What do UTM codes help us answer?

UTM codes help you to answer:

  • Which campaign should we spend more (or less) money on?

  • Which is the best channel to get additional engaged traffic to our website?

  • Which ad formats give us the most engagement and onsite sales?

  • Which email offer generated the most profit on our website?

  • Which search engine keyword groups should we spend more money on?

  • What are the demographics of our campaign visitors?

  • What content or products are visitors from campaigns interested in?

  • How did our campaign visitors behave and navigate on-site?

  • How much website activity did our offline media campaigns generate?

It is crucial to get UTMs right for a number of reasons. If any links contain errors, such as inconsistent spellings or capitalisations, generating meaningful reports tracking and analysing campaigns would be hindered, thus leading to wasted budgets and time. Moreover, customer experience would also be negatively impacted due to an increase in 404 site errors.

For example, a link using “facebook” as a source would be counted as different to a link using “Facebook” and thus, tracked differently.

Uplifter’s Link Management Platform ensures that every link is error-free and suits your campaigns. You can start generating your own branded links using our UTM builder here.


Why is it so critical to get UTM codes right?


What are the different UTM parameters?