Harmonising taxonomies across geographies

A marketing consultancy, struggling to benchmark its clients’ marketing performance, used Uplifter to get every campaign onto the same standard UTM taxonomy.

Executive summary


White Marble Consulting offers a service called Beacon to benchmark the digital performance of its clients in the asset management sector.

By comparing digital marketing performance against a peer group, users could identify where to improve their own marketing by channel and audience.

The problem

The clients all tracked campaigns differently, using individual taxonomies and processes to measure performance.

Campaign data was inconsistent and inaccurate.

The impact

  • Campaign benchmarking across the peer group was impossible.

The solution

Uplifter and the consultancy jointly ran a workshop to highlight the importance campaign analytics and the benefits of doing it correctly.

Uplifter was recommended and implemented by its Beacon users.


  • The clients which used Uplifter have seen a 75% reduction in the time it takes to create campaign links and reports.

  • The consultancy was able to offer a new service, comparing and benchmarking campaign data between clients.


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Automating Adobe Analytics CIDs