Become a UTM ninja
Switch to Uplifter

Get the whole team creating thousands of accurate campaign links, fast.

No broken spreadsheets - just consistent, accurate UTMs, short links and QR codes.

UTM Builder benefits

Data you can trust

URL redirects? Spaces? Special characters? They all destroy your campaign data.

Prevent user errors before they become a problem. Get 100% trusted campaign data in Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics.

Uplifter even spots problems while your campaign is live, increasing conversion rates and reducing budget waste.

Comparison of UTMs from spreadsheet and from Uplifter
Edit parameters section

Custom parameters

Get the Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics data you need by creating your own global UTM taxonomy.

Add parameters for business units, products, geographies and more. Concatenate them to existing UTMs or make your own.

Choose between dropdowns, free text or date pickers for your parameters to get naming consistency.

Users request new dropdowns, and admins can approve them, adding a layer of governance that improves data quality.

1000’s of links in seconds

Choose the best way to make accurate links, fast:

  • Multiple: Pick all the parameters you need in one go, and create an array of multiple UTMs quickly and easily

  • Clone and edit: Update the parameter of an existing UTM and save as a new link.

  • Bulk import: Upload a CSV of any UTMs created outside Uplifter - it checks them all and flags any errors.

  • Email: Automatically replace all links in a marketing email with properly tracked UTM code.


Stop ad waste

Uplifter auto-corrects your links: replacing spaces with underscores, blocking special characters, moving page anchors.

Uplifter’s bot (which doesn’t inflate your page views) checks the landing page is live, fast, has analytics tags and doesn’t redirect.

Uplifter monitors all your campaign landing pages, every day, and instantly notifies you if any of them breaks or loads slowly.

Validate landing pages

Track, audit and report on links in one place

See an audit trail of every link made, who created it, when it went live, and what results it generated.

Quickly identify which links are underperforming and fix the problem.

Move updated links around with APIs and integrations. Share lists of new links with colleagues and agencies.

Live preview of a list of example links created with Uplifter which users can filter through and sort
Google analytics, Adobe analytics, Salesforce, LinkedIn
Manage users

Let users self-serve without mistakes

Two types of users (regular and admin) allow marketers and agencies self-serve campaign links.

Approval flow lets regular users request new dropdown values, which admins can approve or decline in one click.

Regular users can only edit, and get alerts for, their own links.

Admin users can control all the rules, edit all links and limit who has access.

Switching is easy

✅ Free to try, no credit card required

✅ Less than 5 minutes to set up

✅ Upload your existing UTM spreadsheet

✅ Free training and LinkedIn certificate

✅ Enterprise grade onboarding available

“I just had to tell you how much easier it is to use Uplifter to build UTMs compared with a spreadsheet. I’ve just built out over 100 UTMs super quickly, thank you!”

— Senior marketing specialist